Zinc oxide is a highly versatile compound that could be found in multiple products across various industries such as medicine, cosmetics, and ceramics. But rubber industry is one of the biggest industries that are relying heavily on zinc oxide to manufacture their products. Here why the use of zinc oxide powder is so important in the rubber industries.


Vulcanization is an extremely important process in the rubber industry. The term stands for a range of different processes that the sole purpose is to hardening the rubber. Adding sulfur to the natural rubber is still the most common practices today.

This is where zinc oxide plays its key role. When zinc oxide is added, it would activate the sulfur vulcanization and therefore speeding the vulcanization process. Not only beneficial in term of saving time, zinc oxide would also help improving the degree of vulcanization, making the rubber products more durable and long-lasting.

Activating the Curing System

For the rubber industry, use of zinc oxide powder would be combined with stearic acid and then producing zinc soap. The existence of zinc soap would then improve the zinc oxide’s solubility to form a complex. Later, the complex would be use together with sulfur in order to produce a vulcanizing agent which is essential to the rubber industry.

Plenty of Sources

Zinc oxide is not only used in rubber industry, but many others like paints and coatings, personal care products, fertilizer, galvanized metal, batteries, and even pharmaceutical. Zinc oxide occurs naturally in the soil, making it very abundant and easy to get.

Studies have found that there are plenty of significant sources for zinc like from natural and agricultural soils, as well as the corrosion of metal roofing or galvanized metal. 

Improve Cross-Linking Density

Another important role of this compound is to improve the cross-linking density. The combination of zinc oxide and stearic acid will result in Zn2++ salt Because of this, the weak bond in a stable state will change the sulfur bonds cracking position. Because of this, rubber vulcanization will increase the cross-linking density by producing shorter cross-linking and add keys of new cross-linking.

Those are the reason why the use of zinc oxide powder is extremely crucial for the rubber industries, especially the ones that manufacture tires. Zinc oxide in tires would enhance their quality, durability and also safety.